News & Announcements

To Students with login issues
by Admin User - Friday, 2 August 2013, 5:19 PM

Dear Students,

If you are having issues logging in with the LASALLE network user id & password into Learning Portal, please reset your password with the following steps:

Step 1. Click the "Forgot / Change Password button in the Login block (top left corner of the Learning Portal website).

Step 2. In the Forgot/Change Password page, select & click on 'Reset LASALLE network password'.

Step 3. Enter your username and date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy format and click on the submit button.

Step 4. An email with the subject 'Reset LASALLE Network Password for Student' will be sent to your LASALLE email account. Locate this email in your inbox or junk folder and click on the 'Reset Now' link to reset your password.  

Step 5. Enter a new password  with minimum of 6 alphanumeric characters with a combination of upper and lower case letters eg. Dahlia0123 

A message will be displayed that you have successfully reset your password. You may then proceed to login to Learning Portal with your new password. If you are still experiencing issues, kindly report it to with your details.