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Module Objectives

Being a successful ‘Music Entrepreneur’, you must be independent and knowledgeable of the market you’re in or want to work in. Your each individual goal may vary by person, most likely you would like to earn more than you spend, doing what you love. The overall condition of your being shall be called ‘Professional’ and there are many aspects you need to know in order to package yourself as a ‘professional’ of your discipline.

Below is the list of some of the necessary skills:

1. Communication (for both in business and performance environments)
2. Professionalism (punctuality, communication, diplomacy)
3. Leadership (lead the project and execute with your team)
4. Organization & Management (schedule, finance, etc)
5. Knowledge of marketing (promote your band/product/concept)
6. Publicity (how you want to be exposed to public)
7. Production (CD, DVD, merchandise, workshop, concert, etc)
8. Presentation (how you present yourself: attire/style/music/skills/product - to audience or potential client)
9. Networking (communicate & collaborate - how you expand your territory, meet new people and opportunities)

In this module students will engage in a number of discussions, activities and tasks would raise awareness of real life situation as an music entrepreneur, emphasising on independence and professionalism which will be practical not only in Singapore but in the international market. Singapore is a regional hub and a global financial centre located in the middle of South East Asia. It is a multi-racial society whom has the capacity to embrace both Western and Asian cultures. Our little yet fresh and powerful art/music community is at an extremely convenient location for a global exposure.
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