Enrolment options

Lecturer: Hilary Schwartz
Class hours: Wednesday, 12pm-3pm
Location: B309

Acquired Taste: The Semiotics of Food is a Level 3 Studio Elective that will encourage students to conceptually engage with and create work about and/or with food. The course will provide an overview of some of the artists and theorists who have worked with similar concepts and materials and have influenced contemporary discourses. In two individual projects and one group project as well as occasional weekly assignments, students will develop their own work that explores themes of personal and cultural identity, food production and consumption, and political activism. During this course, students may choose to work in any media including but not limited to sculpture, installation, performance, social practice, and/or conceptual art. Because of the nature of the materials, there will be a focus on documenting ephemeral sculptures and performances. Students will be encouraged to reflect upon how the themes addressed in class relate to their own lives and the lives of others. Through fieldtrips, lectures, research, and class discussion, students will examine the ways in which artists have responded to and recontextualized food in their work.  
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