Enrolment options

Lecturer: Betty Susiarjo
Class hours: Tuesday, 5pm-8pm
Location: B209

Artist and Community Art introduces students to key concepts and issues that surround the execution of art projects involving the communities. It discusses the shift of the public as audience to participant in the making of an art piece, the position of partners in the execution of the work, the nature of work itself in relation to venue and environment, as well as the intention and integrity of the artist amidst all these. Looking into various factors that an artist needs to consider before, during and after a community engagement project, the class takes place in the form of lectures, community engagement project, the class takes place in the form of lectures, presentations, discussions and actual/ on-site community art events. The class will be suitable for those who: are working with the public or intending to involve the public in their own artistic work; have interest in creating art events mainly for the public; are keen in using art as a tool to reach to a particular group/community (through a charity project or any project of a humanitarian nature); and to those who are passionate in bringing up certain social/cultural issues to the public through art awareness projects.
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