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Lecturer: Dr.S.Chandrasekaran
Seminar Topic : Notion of Body – Spirituality, Sexuality, Ritual and Concept of Pain
Contact: s.chandrasekaran@lasalle.edu.sg
Class hours: Monday, 2-6pm
Location: B209, Winstedt Campus

The lectures explore the notion of the body in relation to spirituality, sexuality, ritual, concept of pain, disabled body and presence of body of everyday reality. These issues will be critically analysis and explored through various journals, articles and works of artists

The lectures are not just based on analyzing critical aspects of the suggested readings, but also to interpret how various critical theories informs the art practice, in both aspects classic and contemporary. The class will also discuss the complexity that surrounds the aesthetic meanings and bodily presences of the body as a centrifugal force in analyzing the artistic language.

Students are expected to attend the consultation sessions regularly. During the session, students are encouraged to articulate their weekly reading discussions and then reflect critically in their writings.
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