Lecturer: Nah Yong En
Class hours: Thursday, 10am-1pm
Location: B1-08A, McNally Campus

In today's times of technological advancement, it is easy to own a camera. Everyday, countless high quality and aesthetically pleasing photographs are made. Hence, a very well shot photograph is no longer adequate in our field of fine arts.In this photography elective module, students will be challenged to develop a photographic series through the 10 weeks. Through the process, students will be challenged to think hard about what makes a series, and what makes for significant photographic representation. This will be developed via weekly challenges from the lecturer and critiques from peers. At the same time, students will also be introduced to the basics of photography in the studio as well as digital editing through practical sessions during class.
Lecturer: Jerome Romulus
Class hours: Thursday, 4:30pm-7:30pm
Location: A105, Winstedt Campus

Students will master using Adobe Illustrator CC as the main software and Adobe Photoshop CC as supporting software together with planned integrated lectures. In the First 3 weeks, students will learn how to create an Artist Communication kit that will comprise of a Print Portfolio or Art Catalogue including an Online Portfolio based on their print portfolio. They will also learn how to use Illustrator to create impressive customized CV layouts and professional publication collaterals like Artist Name Cards, Postcard, and Event Invitation & Posters Students will be equipped with the relevant technical and software knowledge as well as professional printing specifications needed to execute the above. From week 4, students will Visualize a graphic novel illustration through the use of Drawing andIllustrator so that it can eventually be presented as a professional visual illustration for presentation. Students will learn how to use Advanced Illustrator Tools, Understand where details are best used, Improve draftsmanship and achieve high clarity with Digital tools, The best digital tools for creating digital illustration and digital painting, and also Layout and Guides for books. Students will see them customizing Illustrator to their own artistic preferences and how to translate the methods and skills from traditional to the digital medium.Students will understand how to apply and transfer their Fine Art skills learnt here into a simulated real life scenario, it also gives them an opportunity to be acquainted with other possible uses of Illustrator and Photoshop within the art industry.
Lecturer: Kin Chui
Class hours: Thursday, 10am-1pm
Location: D203 or B1-08, McNally Campus

The studio workshop Video Art 1 is an elective that will introduce students to the contemporary practice of video art and the tools for creating their own video work. The course will provide an overview of the moving image as a medium and will explore performance-based, experimental, narrative, and documentary work in video and film. Throughout the semester students will be exposed to a variety of artists working in the field and will consider video art in relation to other artistic mediums such as painting, theater and photography. Technical aspects of video production and post-production such as operating the camera, lighting a scene, sound design, and editing will be covered. Students will be required to produce a short video and participate in critiques and weekly discussions throughout the semester.