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Lecturer: Wulan Dirgantoro
Seminar Topic : Gender, Sexuality and Body Politics
Contact: wulandani.dirgantoro@lasalle.edu.sg
Class hours: Thursday, 10-2pm
Location: F212, McNally Campus

Gender as many scholars have pointed out, is not a biological construct but a social construct, but how is it constructed? This dissertation/research class will explore the construction of gender through exploring how scholars, writers, activists and artists have sought to answer the question.

Using historical and contemporary texts, films, new media, and current socio-political events, we will also look at key critical theories that informed artistic practices across the spectrum. The class will also discuss the changing perception of ‘normal’ by challenging categories such as ‘man/woman’ through how we perceive ourselves and other people around us.

Students are expected not only to actively participate in the weekly reading discussions but also to reflect critically on their own past and current projects in the individual consultation sessions that follow the reading session. The aim of the class is to build critical thinking through discussions of the reading materials as well as self-awareness of their own artistic projects.
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