Enrolment options

Day: Wednesday
Time: 12-3pm
Location: WB309

RESISTANCE: Critical and Post-critical Strategies of Contemporary Art Practices is Studio Elective that will provide an occasion to reflect on and create works informed by notions of resistance. Relations between art practices and resistance will be developed through three tentatively defined and inseparable topics: first, the often illusive term “critique” understood as re-action against physical/geographic, social, cultural (etc…) “spaces”, “institutions”, “constructs”, etc.; second, an idea of resistance as “post-critical” in that as opposed to re-act against, it can be said to act beyond through different strategies such as proposing “alternatives”; and third, another “post-critical” approach in the understanding of notions of “hidden or invisible realms” such as the Absolute, the Transcendental, the Outside, Life, (or any other culturally specific “ordinarily invisible realm”), as source of, or potential for, resistance. The limits between these three topics are blurred; they serve as points of departure and will be up for debate. Students will develop their own practical work – in any chosen medium –, and their understanding of what it can mean for an art practice or artwork to resist, through two practical projects to be realized individually or in small groups. The sessions will take the form of group discussions stemming from the presentation of photographic and video documentations of a wide-range of artists/mediums/artworks, group brainstorming to generate and play with ideas for the projects to realize, group critique sessions where students will constructively engage with each other’s works, and the critical engagement with some art theory and philosophical writings. Students will actively participate in determining the content the course will explore.
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